Active AMIP Diagnostic Subprojects
Proposals to establish AMIP II Diagnostic Subprojects will be posted below as they are finalized. Many AMIP I diagnostic subprojects will remain active in AMIP II, and the numbering scheme will be the same for these (i.e., the first 26 Diagnostic Subproject are a continuation from AMIP I, in some cases with new leaders, and in others denoted as inactive).
There is no deadline for submitting proposals for diagnostic research, but approval will be limited to those focusing on topics not addressed by existing subprojects. Additionally, PCMDI will routinely compute many standard diagnostics with each new AMIP simulation, and it is therefore expected that the Diagnostic Subprojects will focus on increasingly advanced analysis. Please refer for submission guidelines for further information.
Approved AMIP II Diagnostic Subprojects
(last update August 2001)-
No. 1: Synoptic to Intraseasonal Variability
(J. Slingo and K. Sperber)
(J. Boyle, K. Hodges, I. Simmonds, D. Jones)
(Peter J. Gleckler and Karl E. Taylor)
No. 6: Intraseasonal to Interannual Variability of the Asian Summer Monsoon
(H. Annamalai, J. Slingo and K. Sperber)
No. 7: Evaluation of hydrologic processes
(W. Lau and Y. Sud)
No. 9: Polar Processes and Sea Ice
(J. Walsh, D. Bromwich, H. Cattle, V. Kattsov,V. Meleshko, J. Maslanik)
No. 11: Evaluation of soil moisture and continental water budget
(A. Robock, K. Y. Vinnikov, G. Srinivasan)
No. 12: Land-surface processes and parameterizations (coordinated with PILPS)
( Thomas J. Phillips, Ann Henderson-Sellers, Parviz Irannejad, Kendal McGuffie)
No. 13: Evaluation of global cloudiness
(B. Weare)
No. 15: Angular Momentum and the Planetary Momentum Balance
(D. Salstein, R. Rosen, J. Dickey and S. Marcus)
No. 16: Simulations of the stratospheric circulation (coordinated with GRIPS)
(W. Lahoz, R. Swinbank, S. Pawson and G. Roff)
(Francis W. Zwiers and Viatcheslav V. Kharin )
(Serge Janicot, Jan Polcher, Chris Thorncroft, Henri Laurent, Thierry Lebel )
No. 21: Surface Climatologies
(P. D.Jones, M. Hulme and T. Osborn)
No. 23: Variations of the centers of action
(S. Hameed)
(W-C. Wang, G.-X. Wu, H.-H. Hsu, X-Z. Liang)
No. 26: Monsoon precipitation
(S. Gadgil, J. Srinivasan)
No. 27: Tropospheric Humidity and Meridional Moisture Fluxes
(D. Gaffen, R. Rosen D. Salstein, J. Boyle, B. Soden)
No. 28: Snow Cover in General Circulation Models
(D. Robinson, A. Frei, R. Brown and A. Walker)
No. 29: Diagnosis of Nonlinear Circulation Regimes
(A. Hannachi, F. Molteni and T.N.Palmer)
No. 30: Maintenance Mechanisms of Stationary Waves in General Circulation Models
(Mingfang Ting and Renu Joseph)
No. 31: Climatology of Maximum Potential Intensity (MPI) of Tropical Cyclones
(Greg Holloway and Weiqing Qu)
No. 32: Surface and Atmospheric Radiative Fluxes
(Martin Wild, Atsumu Ohmural, Gerald L. Potter, Justin J. Hnilo)
No. 33: Atmospheric Transports and Energetics in pdf
(G.J. Boer and S.J. Lambert)
No. 34: Convection and upper level moisture and their links using Meteosat
(Rémy Roca and Laurence Picon)
No. 35: Seasonal-to-decadal variability in the tropical Atlantic Ocean
(James Carton, Sumant Nigam and Jiande Wang)
No. 36: Water Vapor and Cloud Feedback Processes
(Ming-Dah Chou, Curt Covey, Arthur Y. Hou, Richard S. Lindzen, De-Zheng Sun)
No. 37: Super-Ensemle Modeling of Seasonal Climate
(Krishnamurti, T.N., and C.M. Kishtawal, T. LaRow, D.
Bachiochi, Z. Zhang, C.E. Williford, S. Gadgil and S. Surendran)
For further information, contact the AMIP Project Office (