Hess-McAvaney surface-air variables subroutine
Two subroutines (hess-mcavaney.f and screenl.f) are available to facilitate the implementation of the AMIP II recommendation of surface air temperature and moisture (2m), and surface wind (10m) calculations. These routines have been tested, but users should contact the AMIP Project Office if any questions arise.References
Hess, G. D. and B. J. McAvaney, 1997: Note on computing screen temperatures, humidities and anemometer-height winds in large-scale models. Aust. Met. Mag., 46, 109-115. (pdf file)
Hess, G. D., R. A. Colman and B. J. McAvaney, 1995: On computing screen
temperatures, humidities and anemometer-height winds in large-scale models.
Aust. Met. Mag., 44, 139-145. (pdf
Last update: April 15, 1998