AMIP II standard model output: data volume estimates
The table below provides an estimate to the data volume of the model
output for an AMIP II simulation. Estimates are shown for several different
horizontal resolutions. For Table 1it is assumed that there are 17 levels.
With the Library for AMIP data transmission standards (LATS), modelers
can choose the data format used for submitting their data to PCMDI. With
the netCDF option, all data will be at 32bit. If GRIB is used, the compression
can be controlled. For monthly mean data the compression should not exceed
reducing the data to 16bit. Tests are underway to determine compression
limitation for 6-hourly data. Tables 4 and 5 of the AMIP II standard output
are not included below because they represent << %1 of the total
data volume. Total volume estimates (with and without the optional Table
6) included at the bottom of the table below.
Last Updated on 7/15/97