1) Each variable should be written in a separate file (with
the name of the variable and an acronym identifying your research center
contained in the file name: for example, ta_pcmdi.gm)
2) Use the following structure:
a) write the number of days of data contained in the file using
the following:
write(*,'(//// i8 ///)') ntimes
b) write the time (in days following 1 January 1979) and the
global mean value at each time, (each time and value appearing on
its own line) as follows:
write(*,'(0Pf10.3, 2X, 1pe13.6)') (times(n), gmeans(n), n=1,ntimes)
You may replace the blank lines in your output with any text you want.
For example, a partial listing of the global mean temperature data might
look like:
global mean surface pressure
CCM1-TG (R15 L12) 1990
6300 = ntimes
days since
1979-1-1 global mean
0.000 9.873563E+04
1.000 9.873784E+04
2.000 9.873382E+04
3.000 9.873300E+04
4.000 9.873522E+04
. . .
. . .
. . .
6300.000 9.873988E+04