Originating group(s) National Center for Atmospheric Research
Country USA
Database directory name: ncar_pcm1
Experiment Expt. Realization first available year first available month last available year last available month  control or 20C3M simulation from which this run was initiated year in control or 20C3M simulation that corre-sponds to the first available year of this run comment
1%/year CO2 increase experiment (to doubling) 1%to2x Run 1 71 1 245 12 PDcntrl 71 -
1%/year CO2 increase experiment (to doubling) 1%to2x Run 2 151 1 259 12 PDcntrl 151 B04.29
1%/year CO2 increase experiment (to doubling) 1%to2x Run 3 201 1 279 12 PDcntrl 201 B04.30
1%/year CO2 increase experiment (to doubling) 1%to2x Run 4 251 1 329 12 PDcntrl 251 B04.33
1%/year CO2 increase experiment (to doubling) 1%to2x Run 5 301 1 379 12 PDcntrl 301 B04.34
1%/year CO2 increase experiment (to quadrupling) 1%to4x Run 1 141 1 309 12 PDcntrl 141 B04.23
climate of the 20th Century experiment (20C3M) 20C3M Run 1 1890 1 1999 12 Picntrl 150 B06.57  this run din not branch directly from the control run, but from January 1, 1890 of a ghg+sulfate+ozone run, which began in 1870 and branched from year 130 of Picntrl.
20C3M Run 2 1890 1 1999 12 Picntrl 120 B06.59  First year of this run was 1870, which corresponds to year 100 of Picntrl.
20C3M Run 3 1890 1 1999 12 Picntrl 130 B06.60  First year of this run was 1870, which corresponds to year 110 of Picntrl.
20C3M Run 4 1890 1 1999 12 Picntrl 140 B06.61  First year of this run was 1870, which corresponds to year 120 of Picntrl.
2xCO2 equilibrium experiment 2xCO2 Run 1 1 12  
AMIP simulation AMIP Run 1 1979 1 1997 12 NA NA amip2a
committed climate change experiment Commit Run 1 2000 1 2099 12 NA 2000 B07.73a; this run did not branch directly from the control run, but from January 1, 2000 of a ghg+sulfate+ozone run, which began in 1870 and branched from year 100 of the Picntrl Run 1.  Thus, year 2000 of this run correponds to year 230 of the control run, but presumably has already strayed from the control run because of the 130 years under ghg+sulfate+ozone forcing.
Commit Run 2 2000 1 2099 12 NA 2000 B07.73b; this run did not branch directly from the control run, but from January 1, 2000 of a ghg+sulfate+ozone run, which began in 1870 and branched from year 110 of the Picntrl Run 1.  Thus, year 2000 of this run correponds to year 240 of the control run, but presumably has already strayed from the control run because of the 130 years under ghg+sulfate+ozone forcing.
Commit Run 3 2000 1 2099 12 NA 2000 B07.73c; this run did not branch directly from the control run, but from January 1, 2000 of a ghg+sulfate+ozone run, which began in 1870 and branched from year 170 of the Picntrl Run 1.  Thus, year 2000 of this run correponds to year 300 of the control run, but presumably has already strayed from the control run because of the 130 years under ghg+sulfate+ozone forcing.
Commit Run 4 2000 1 2099 12 NA 2000 B07.52a; this run did not branch directly from the control run, but from January 1, 2000 of a ghg+sulfate+ozone run, which began in 1870 and branched from year 140 of the Picntrl Run 1.  Thus, year 2000 of this run correponds to year 270 of the control run, but presumably has already strayed from the control run because of the 130 years under ghg+sulfate+ozone forcing.
present-day control experiment PDcntrl Run 1 50 1 349 12 NA NA B04.10
pre-industrial control experiment PIcntrl Run 1 100 1 449 12 NA NA B05.02/B06.18/B06.38/B06.62
slab ocean control experiment Slabcntl Run 1 1 12 NA NA  
720 ppm stabilization experiment (SRES A1B) SRESA1B Run 1 2000 1 2199 12 NA 2000 B07.08 (2000-2099) B07.76 (2100-2199); this run did not branch directly from the control run, but from January 1, 2000 of a ghg+sulfate+ozone run, which began in 1870 and branched from year 140 of the Picntrl Run 1.  Thus, year 2000 of this run correponds to year 270 of the control run, but presumably has already strayed from the control run because of the 130 years under ghg+sulfate+ozone forcing.
SRESA1B Run 2 2000 1 2299 12 NA 2000 B07.70a; this run did not branch directly from the control run, but from January 1, 2000 of a ghg+sulfate+ozone run, which began in 1870 and branched from year 100 of the Picntrl Run 1.  Thus, year 2000 of this run correponds to year 230 of the control run, but presumably has already strayed from the control run because of the 130 years under ghg+sulfate+ozone forcing.
SRESA1B Run 3 2000 1 2199 12 NA 2000 B07.70b; this run did not branch directly from the control run, but from January 1, 2000 of a ghg+sulfate+ozone run, which began in 1870 and branched from year 110 of the Picntrl Run 1.  Thus, year 2000 of this run correponds to year 240 of the control run, but presumably has already strayed from the control run because of the 130 years under ghg+sulfate+ozone forcing.
SRESA1B Run 4 2000 1 2199 12 NA 2000 B07.70c; this run did not branch directly from the control run, but from January 1, 2000 of a ghg+sulfate+ozone run, which began in 1870 and branched from year 170 of the Picntrl Run 1.  Thus, year 2000 of this run correponds to year 300 of the control run, but presumably has already strayed from the control run because of the 130 years under ghg+sulfate+ozone forcing.
SRES A2 experiment SRESA2 Run 1 2000 1 2099 12 NA 2000 B06.20; this run did not branch directly from the control run, but from January 1, 2000 of a ghg+sulfate+ozone run, which began in 1870 and branched from year 140 of the Picntrl Run 1.  Thus, year 2000 of this run correponds to year 270 of the control run, but presumably has already strayed from the control run because of the 130 years under ghg+sulfate+ozone forcing.
SRESA2 Run 2 2000 1 2099 12 NA 2000 B07.72a; this run did not branch directly from the control run, but from January 1, 2000 of a ghg+sulfate+ozone run, which began in 1870 and branched from year 100 of the Picntrl Run 1.  Thus, year 2000 of this run correponds to year 230 of the control run, but presumably has already strayed from the control run because of the 130 years under ghg+sulfate+ozone forcing.
SRESA2 Run 3 2000 1 2099 12 NA 2000 B07.72b; this run did not branch directly from the control run, but from January 1, 2000 of a ghg+sulfate+ozone run, which began in 1870 and branched from year 110 of the Picntrl Run 1.  Thus, year 2000 of this run correponds to year 240 of the control run, but presumably has already strayed from the control run because of the 130 years under ghg+sulfate+ozone forcing.
SRESA2 Run 4 2000 1 2099 12 NA 2000 B07.72c; this run did not branch directly from the control run, but from January 1, 2000 of a ghg+sulfate+ozone run, which began in 1870 and branched from year 170 of the Picntrl Run 1.  Thus, year 2000 of this run correponds to year 300 of the control run, but presumably has already strayed from the control run because of the 130 years under ghg+sulfate+ozone forcing.
550 ppm stabilization experiment (SRES B1) SRESB1 Run 1 2000 1 2299 12 NA 2000 B07.57a; this run did not branch directly from the control run, but from January 1, 2000 of a ghg+sulfate+ozone run, which began in 1870 and branched from year 100 of the Picntrl Run 1.  Thus, year 2000 of this run correponds to year 230 of the control run, but presumably has already strayed from the control run because of the 130 years under ghg+sulfate+ozone forcing.
SRESB1 Run 2 2000 1 2099 12 NA 2000 B07.71b;  this run did not branch directly from the control run, but from January 1, 2000 of a ghg+sulfate+ozone run, which began in 1870 and branched from year 110 of the Picntrl Run 1.  Thus, year 2000 of this run correponds to year 240 of the control run, but presumably has already strayed from the control run because of the 130 years under ghg+sulfate+ozone forcing.
SRESB1 Run 3 2000 1 2199 12 NA 2000 B07.71c; this run did not branch directly from the control run, but from January 1, 2000 of a ghg+sulfate+ozone run, which began in 1870 and branched from year 170 of the Picntrl Run 1.  Thus, year 2000 of this run correponds to year 300 of the control run, but presumably has already strayed from the control run because of the 130 years under ghg+sulfate+ozone forcing.
SRESB1 Run 4 2000 1 2199 12 NA 2000 B07.57d (2000-2099) B07.77 (2100-2199); this run did not branch directly from the control run, but from January 1, 2000 of a ghg+sulfate+ozone run, which began in 1870 and branched from year 140 of the Picntrl Run 1.  Thus, year 2000 of this run correponds to year 270 of the control run, but presumably has already strayed from the control run because of the 130 years under ghg+sulfate+ozone forcing.