Originating group(s) NASA / Goddard Institute for Space Studies
Country USA
Database directory name: giss_model_e_r
Experiment Expt. Realization first available year first available month last available year last available month  control or 20C3M simulation from which this run was initiated year in control or 20C3M simulation that corre-sponds to the first available year of this run comment
1%/year CO2 increase experiment (to doubling) 1%to2x Run 1 1901 1 2190 12 PIcntrl 1981 -
1%/year CO2 increase experiment (to quadrupling) 1%to4x Run 1 1901 1 2190 12 PIcntrl 1981 -
climate of the 20th Century experiment (20C3M) 20C3M Run 1 1880 1 2003 12 PIcntrl 1906 -
20C3M Run 2 1880 1 2003 12 PIcntrl 1907 -
20C3M Run 3 1880 1 2100 12 PIcntrl 1908 Note that following year 2003, there are an addition 97 years of data which should be identical to the data stored in the committed climate change experiment (i.e., Commit)
20C3M Run 4 1880 1 2003 12 PIcntrl 1909 -
20C3M Run 5 1880 1 2003 12 PIcntrl 1910 -
20C3M Run 6 1880 1 2003 12 PIcntrl 1931 -
20C3M Run 7 1880 1 2003 12 PIcntrl 1956 -
20C3M Run 8 1880 1 2003 12 PIcntrl 1981 -
20C3M Run 9 1880 1 2003 12 PIcntrl 2006 -
2xCO2 equilibrium experiment 2xCO2 Run 1 1901 1 2020 12 Slabcntl 1901 -
AMIP simulation AMIP Run 1 1979 1 2000 12 NA NA -
committed climate change experiment Commit Run 1 2004 1 2100 12 20C3M Run 3 2004 -
pre-industrial control experiment PIcntrl Run 1 1901 1 2400 12 NA NA -
slab ocean control experiment Slabcntl Run 1 1901 1 2020 12 NA NA -
720 ppm stabilization experiment (SRES A1B) SRESA1B Run 1 2004 1 2300 12 20C3M Run 3 2004 -
SRESA1B Run 2 2004 1 2200 12 20C3M Run 6 200 -
SRESA1B Run 3 2004 1 2200 12 20C3M Run 7 2004 -
SRESA1B Run 4 2004 1 2200 12 20C3M Run 8 2004 -
SRESA1B Run 5 2004 1 2200 12 20C3M Run 9 2004 -
SRES A2 experiment SRESA2 Run 1 2004 1 2100 12 20C3M Run 3 2004 -
550 ppm stabilization experiment (SRES B1) SRESB1 Run 1 2004 1 2300 12 20C3M Run 3 2004 -