Model Information of Potential Use to the IPCC Lead Authors and the AR4.
16 February 2005
I. Model Identity:
A. Institution: NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (NASA/GISS),
B. Model name: AOM 4x3
C. Vintage: AOM 5x4 was first published in 1995;
AOM 4x3 was completed in 2004
D. References: Web site for AOM 4x3: http:/
Refereed publication of AOM 5x4 formulation:
Russell GL, Miller JR, Rind D, 1995. A coupled
atmosphere-ocean model for transient climate change
studies. Atmosphere-Ocean 33 (4), 683-730.
E. Model performance: of AOM 5x4:
Lucarini L, Russell GL, 2002. Comparison of
mean climate trends in the northern hemisphere
between National Centers for Environmental
Prediction and two atmosphere-ocean model
forced runs. JGR, 107 (D15),
F. Climate sensitivity: Early version of AOM 5x4 was estimated to
have dTeq = 2.65 (C) for doubling CO2 by
diagnosing ocean heat intake;
AOM 4x3 has not been examined
G. Contacts: For all pieces: Gary L. Russell,
II. What can be included (interactively) and was it active in the model
version that produced output stored in the PCMDI database?
A. Atmospheric chemistry: no
B. Interactive biogeochemistry: no
C. Aerosols: Boucher's monthly-decade sulfate burden (mg/m^2)
(downloaded from PCMDI web site) was converted to an
optical depth by global coefficient [.030 (m^2/mg)]
and treated as tropospheric sulfate aerosols with
particular vertical distribution;
indirect effects were not separately modeled
D. Dynamic vegetation: no
E. Ice sheets: nothing other than that covered under IV. D. 9.
III. Projects: AMIP: 5x4 atmospheric model between AOM 5x4 and AOM 4x3
CMIP: early version of AOM 5x4, should be discarded
IV. Component model characteristics (of current IPCC model version):
A. Atmosphere
1. Resolution: 4 degrees longitude, 3 degrees latitude, 12
vertical layers, heat and water vapor have mean
value and three prognostic directional gradients
inside each cell
2. Numerical scheme: grid point model;
forward step, linear upstream shceme used
for linear advection (heat and water vapor);
leap frog, second order center-difference
C-grid scheme for non-linear advection
combination of fixed mass and sigma
coordinate vertical layering;
4 layers above 204 hPa on average;
2 layers below 875 hPa on average;
3. Prognostic variables: all are three dimensional;
MA = mass (kg/m^2)
UA = eastward velocity (m/s) on C-grid
VA = northward velocity (m/s) on C-grid
H0M = mean potential enthalpy (J)
HXM, HYM, HZM = eastward, northward
and vertical gradients of potential
enthalpy (J)
Q0M = mean water vapor (kg)
QXM, QYM, QZM = eastward, northward
and vertical gradients of water
vapor (kg)
4. Parameterizations: AOM web site:
a. Clouds: see AOM web site
b. Convection: see AOM web site
c. Boundary layer: see AOM web site
d. Radiation: see AOM web site;
Lacis AA, Oinas V, 1991. A description of the
correlated k distributed method for modeling
nongray gaseous absorption, thermal emission,
and multiple scattering in vertically
inhomogeneous atmospheres. JGR, 96, 9027-9063.
e. Drag at model top: a drag proportional to the square of
wind is applied to top layer velocity
B. Ocean
1. Resolution: 4 degrees longitude, 3 degrees latitude, up to 16
vertical layers, heat and salt have mean value
and three prognostic directional gradients inside
each cell
2. Numerical scheme: grid point model;
forward step, linear upstream shceme used
for linear advection (heat and salt);
leap frog, second order center-difference
C-grid scheme for non-linear advection
sigma coordinate vertical layering but
variable number of layers (consequently
each layer has approximately the same mass
per unit area in all cells);
free surface;
Bousinesq approximation not used;
freshwater fluxes change ocean mass
3. Prognostic variables: all are three dimensional;
MO = mass (kg/m^2)
UO = eastward velocity (m/s) on C-grid
VO = northward velocity (m/s) on C-grid
G0M = mean potential enthalpy (J)
GXM, GYM, GZM = eastward, northward
and vertical gradients of potential
enthalpy (J)
S0M = mean salt (kg)
SXM, SYM, SZM = eastward, northward and
vertical gradients of salt (kg)
4. Parameterizations: AOM web site:
a. Eddy parameterization: none
b. Bottom boundary: bottom drag, see AOM web site
c. Mixed-layer: KPP vertical mixing scheme;
Large WG, McWilliams JC, Doney SC, 1994.
Oceanic vertical mixing: review and a model
with non-local boundary layer
parameterization. Rev. Geophys., 32, 363-403.
d. Sunlight: penetrates into top 3 layers (about 51 meters);
Paulson CA, Simpson JJ, 1977. Irradiance
measurements in the upper ocean. J. Appl.
Oceanogr., 7, 952-956.
e. Tidal mixing: none
f. River flow: enters into top ocean layer affecting mass,
mean heat, and horizontal gradients of heat
and salt
g. Isolated seas: subresolution straits connect isolated
seas to main ocean (Mediterranean Sea,
Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Red Sea, White Sea,
Persian Gulf), see AOM web site
h. North pole: treated same as in atmosphere, single vector
velocity at pole (which appears to rotate);
mass, heat and salt have same value at all
polar longitudes, GXM=GYM=SXM=SYM=0;
C. Sea Ice
1. Resolution: same as ocean (4x3), 2 mass layers, 4 thermal
layers, single ice thickness
2. Numerical scheme: velocity components defined on C-grid;
advection of ice use modified linear
upstream scheme;
call once each hour with other source terms
3. Prognostic variables: RSI = horizontal sea ice cover
RSIX,RSIY = eastward and northward
gradients of horizontal sea ice cover
MSI(2) = snow and sea ice mass (kg/m^2)
HSI(4) = heat content of layer (J/m^2)
PSI = internal sea ice pressure
USI = eastward velocity (m/s) on C-grid
VSI = northward velocity (m/s) on C-grid
4. Completeness: sea ice velocity accelerated by seven terms:
atmospheric stress, ocean drag, Coriolis and
metric term, surface pressure and ocean tilt,
internal sea ice pressure, parallel sea ice
stresses, island and coastline blocking factor;
minimum open ocean is 6% / [ice thickness (m)];
snow thicker than 91.66 (kg/m^2) is compacted
into ice
5. Salinity: none
6. Brine rejection: all salt drops into ocean when ice forms
7. North pole: velocity not defined nor used;
RSI,MSI,HSI,PSI have same value at all polar
longitudes, RSIX=RSIY=0
D. Continents: each 4x3 cell is either all ocean or all continent
1. Resolution: fixed fractions of continental cell are
ground, land ice, or lake,
ground can be partially covered by snow,
lake can be partially covered by lake ice;
ground has 4 layers plus fith layer for snow,
ground layer thicknesses: .0625, .25, 1, 4 (m);
land ice has 4 layers;
liquid lake has 2 layers,
lake ice is treated like sea ice
2. Frozen soil: each ground layer has water mass and heat
content which determines frozen fraction
3. Rivers: excess precipitation and snow melt (surface runoff)
is fed into lake in same cell;
underground runoff depends on soil types and
standard deviation of topography;
hand made river direction file:
4. Snow on ground: precipitation is uniform over a grid cell;
snow on snow-free ground adds to snow-covered
ground at rate of 21 (kg/m^2);
when snow on snow-covered ground exceeds 42
(kg/m^2) it spreads covering snow-free ground;
rain compacts some snow into ice;
if snow melts below 20 (kg/m^2), snow-covered
ground is reduced horizontally
5. Water storage: each 4 layers of ground cells have fractions
of soil types: sand, silt, clay, peat, rock;
hydraulic diffusivity depends on soil types
and liquid water availability;
water flux depends on hydraulic diffusivity,
liquid water, and air space;
evaporation from root layers 2, 3 and 4 during
growing season when sun is up, only from layer
1 othertimes
6. Albedo: determined by visible and near infrared separately;
integrated snow albedo ranges from .50 to .85
depending on thickness and age;
integrated ice albedo is .45;
integrated ground albedo depends on vegetation and
season and ranges from .50 for bright desert to .11
for rain forest
7. Vegetation: fixed fractions for 10 different types of ground
affects surface albedo, surface roughness,
evpaoration, hydraulic and thermal diffusivities,
and underground runoff
8. Prognostic variables: see
9. Ice sheets: ice in layers 1 and 2 is 182, 3 is 910, 4 is 6370
(kg/m^2) [sums to about 8.3 (m)];
snow is distributed uniformly over land ice cell;
snow exceeding 91.66 (kg/m^2) is compacted into
ice, equal amount of ice is removed from layer 4,
and ice is then relayered;
surface melt water can refreeze in any of 4
layers, after that it seeps out into ocean via
river direction file
E. Coupling details:
1. Frequency: atmosphere and subsurface reservoirs exchange
fluxes once each hour
2. Conservation: water mass and static energy are conserved
surface momentum stresses are conserved between
atmosphere and ocean
3. Fluxes:
a: atmo-ocean: PREC = precipitation (kg/m^2)
EPRE = energy of precipitation (J/m^2)
SRHDT = solar radiation absorbed (J/m^2)
TRHDT = thermal radiation emitted (J/m^2)
DMUA = eastward momentum stress (kg/m*s)
DMVA = northward momentum stress (kg/m*s)
W0 = dew minus evaporation (kg/m^2)
E0 = turbulent plus radiation fluxes (J/m^2)
b: atmo-land: PREC = precipitation (kg/m^2)
EPRE = energy of precipitation (J/m^2)
SRHDT = solar radiation absorbed (J/m^2)
TRHDT = thermal radiation emitted (J/m^2)
W0 = dew minus evaporation (kg/m^2)
E0 = turbulent plus radiation fluxes (J/m^2)
WR = evaporation from roots (kg/m^2)
c: land-ocean: MFLUX = mass flux from rivers (kg)
EFLUX = energy flux from rivers (J)
BERGM = ice bergs from Antarctica (kg)
BERGE = energy of ice bergs from Antarctica (J)
d: sea ice-ocean: DMOO = ice formed on open ocean (kg/m^2)
DEOO = energy of ice formation on open ocean
DMOI = ice formed beneath old ice (kg/m^2)
DEOI = energy of ice formation beneath ice
RUNS = melted surface ice (kg/m^2)
ENRG = heat from ocean to melt sea ice
DMO = ice melted at bottom of ice
DRSI = ice melted horizontally
DMUI = eastward momentum stress (kg/m*s)
DMVI = northward momentum stress (kg/m*s)
E1 = conductive energy flux (J/m^2)
e: atmo-sea ice: PREC = precipitation (kg/m^2)
EPRE = energy of precipitation (J/m^2)
SRHDT = solar radiation absorbed (J/m^2)
TRHDT = thermal radiation emitted (J/m^2)
DMUA = eastward momentum stress (kg/m*s)
DMVA = northward momentum stress (kg/m*s)
W0 = dew minus evaporation (kg/m^2)
E0 = turbulent plus radiation fluxes (J/m^2)
f: land ice-sea ice: DRSI = increase in horizontal sea ice
cover from Antarctic ice calving
HGIT = energy from Antarctic ice calving
4. Flux adjustments: no
V. Simulation Details
A. PIcntrl: 1850 to 2100
C480: B. 200-year spinup from Levitus climatological conditions
C490: B. 250-year spinup from Levitus climatological conditions
C. Monthly varying, but annually fixed, some industrial and
natural aerosols and Boucher's 1850 sulfate burden, see
solar constant is fixed at 1367 (W/m^2)
A. 20C3M: 1850 to 2000
C483: B. 200-year spinup from Levitus climatological conditions
C493: B. 250-year spinup from Levitus climatological conditions
D. Greenhouse gases: ;
Boucher's time varying sulfate burden (1850 to 2000), see (#16);
other forcing agents have monthly changes, but no annual
A. SRES B1: 2000 to 2100
C484: B. Initialized from end of C483
C494: B. Initialized from end of C493
D. Greenhouse gases: ;
Boucher's time varying sulfate burden (2000 to 2100) for
IPCC SRES B1, see (#16);
other forcing agents have monthly changes, but no annual
A. SRES A1B: 2000 to 2100
C485: B. Initialized from end of C483
C495: B. Initialized from end of C493
D. Greenhouse gases: ;
Boucher's time varying sulfate burden (2000 to 2100) for
IPCC SRES A1B, see (#16);
other forcing agents have monthly changes, but no annual