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ESGF CMIP6 data holdings for activity PMIP as of Tuesday 16 April 2019 15:24:56

The cells are shaded by how recently their latest datasets were published.

More than 28 days More than 7 days Less than 7 days

Number of 'datasets' [variables x (# of simulations)] from each model in support of each CMIP6 PMIP experiment.

model # of experiments lig127k midHolocene
# of models 2 1 1
IPSL-CM6A-LR 2 407 1221

Number of simulations [# of simulations] from each model in support of each CMIP6 PMIP experiment.

model lig127k midHolocene

Number of variables from each model in support of each CMIP6 PMIP experiment.

model lig127k midHolocene
IPSL-CM6A-LR 378 378

Number of models providing output at each sampling frequency in support of each CMIP6 PMIP experiment.

frequency lig127k midHolocene
6hr 1 1
6hrPt 1 1
day 1 1
fx 1 1
mon 1 1
monC 1 1
monPt 1 1
yr 1 1